effectUX is growing, and as such recently I have been spending a lot of time looking for the right Experience Design minded individuals to join the team. Some of you may have read some of my posts around hiring for the skills needed in such a team, but as many of us ...
Read MoreThere is so much hype around Experience and Engagement today – Customer Experience, User Experience, Employee Experience, Customer Engagement…the list goes on. While seeing the focus on this is absolutely wonderful...
Read MoreIf you haven't been in hibernation over the last few years, you ought to be well aware of the incredible changes the world has undergone. How we work, operate, live and even think has been transformed by the power of a constantly connected mobile ...
Read More“They are lazy” but “they are go-getters”; “they are entitled” but “they are always connected”; “they are disloyal” but “they want to do good in the world”. Who really are they? It’s as if we are looking at a medicine commercial on TV: “Drug XYZ may lead to constipation…
Read MoreThere are a lot of articles on the differences and definitions between the UX designer and the UI designer role (I posted one not too long ago myself). However, another topic that has recently came up in conversation with my fellow UX designers, and in a number of articles, was the relationship between ours...
Read MoreI am guilty as charged. I have added content and posts all about how the changes in the world have transformed our lives and the ways in which we operate, albeit with the noble intent of bringing UX Thinking...
Read MoreThere are numerous articles that talk about the recent changes in the world and what they mean for the workplace; I've written some of them myself. Over and over, the same foundational factors get repeated - we are always on and connected (enabled by mobile and cloud), the frequent debate about the "new" multi-tasking norm, that the data is all out there in the info sphere...
Read MoreAt SXSW I spoke about how you could use UX methodology, which has been used in product and application design for years, to design a productive and engaging workplace. In the panel, "The Productive Workplace - UX, Technology and You," I mentioned how ...
Read MoreThere is a lot of discussion around UI and UX. Countless times we'll see "UI/UX" written in job postings, mentioned in meetings, etc., as if they are interchangeable, or as if they are one and the same. But what does that even mean? A UX designer ...
Read MoreSince the beginning of time, human's natural draw to things that simply just seem to work has been evident and it is common knowledge that beauty and natural appeal have been used to increase people's desire for objects. The same can be said in today's world ...
Read MoreThe workplace is changing. Expectations have changed. The role of real estate teams, IT teams, and HR teams have all changed. Now, they have to work cross-functionally to deliver engaging, productive and enabled workspaces that employees want to use. But why...
Read MoreAs long as we've had society, we've had etiquette. There have always been "ways one should behave" in various situations, whether that is a meeting or a dinner party. Then... along came wearables, something that the etiquette books were not ready for...
Read MoreWelcome 2015. I remember when 2015 seemed so far away, yet here it is. Do you remember when you would wake up and you didn't have a phone to check? You would arrive at the office and sit at your desk to work on your daily tasks. Do you remember...
Read MoreI've recently had an increasing number of conversations with other UX professionals about the difficulties in finding true UX talent and how they have been encountering people that are not really UX Designers. It seems these "Masqueraders" usually appear when you are interviewing for a UX Designer role. Some project managers have even been duped into...
Read MoreThe world got really complicated all of a sudden. You see it in life and you see it especially at work. While so many great applications exist that simplify life's transactions and advances in technology make a 24/7 layer of connectedness, there is a cost that we have incurred as a result...
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