There is no doubt that this is a strange time. For many it’s overwhelming and stressful. With high levels of unemployment, small businesses going under, children at home from school and worry over loved ones getting coronavirus, anxiety is higher than ever. COVID-19 is seriously affecting mental health.
Read MoreWe live in a world where we are pulled in several directions, our limited attention is grabbed and demanded, and we rarely experience a moment of nothingness. This way of being is having serious ramifications for people and organizations globally.
Read MoreWhile running a business keeps the to-do list full, some recent events caused my plate to be vastly overflowing. As someone that works to help people understand their de-energizers, build mental muscles and habits that decrease stress, and recondition negative behaviors and thoughts, I know all too well what little sleep and lots of responsibilities could do to one’s mind, body and soul.
Read MoreAt MyEMQ, we have extensively researched what makes people feel their best, feel fulfilled, and happy. We studied hundreds of sources of data from neuroscience, psychology, mental wellness, and wellbeing, including academic papers, expert opinions, books, and research studies. After using our data modeling methodology, we uncovered 74 attributes across 12 factors that keep people feeling positive, highly productive, and mentally well. What we found included the foundational self-care habits that we all think of: high-quality rest, fitness, and nutrition, and also highlighted the importance of mental wellbeing. Just like we spend time working on our muscles at the gym to give us strength or reduce pain, mental muscles are equally important.
Read MoreLife is speeding up, distractions are at every moment and there is “noise” everywhere. Those back to back meetings, those email notifications, those chat pings … all coming up on multiple devices. It is no wonder that studies have found that 8 in 10 Americans are afflicted by stressand more than half of employees have experienced job burnout.
The truth is, we all have 24 hours in the day, and how you spend that time is critical to avoiding burnout as well as feeling and performing your best. If you are always feeling overwhelmed, stressed and as if you should have got more done, there are some strategies you can try to maximize your capacity and feel more energized!
Read MoreOn: Thrive Global
Levels of burnout and stress are concerning to say the least. A Gallup study found that 23 percent of employees reported feeling burned out at work very often or always, while an additional 44 percent reported feeling burned out sometimes, leading to decreased wellbeing and health as well as increased health-care and business costs. There are several approaches that can be used to proactively avoid burnout as well as deal with it if you do find yourself in a state of burnout, from both an individual and organizational level. The Gallup study also found that employees who felt supported by their managers were overwhelmingly less likely to experience burnout on a regular basis. From our work helping managers cultivate leadership skills that empower a positively energized and productive culture, here are some considerations for those who want to support their employees feel less stressed!
Read MoreWhile self-care should be an integrated part of our daily lives, as opposed to something we focus on separately, with September being “Self-Care Awareness Month” it serves as a good reminder that we need to ensure we take care of ourselves. When researching what made people feel …
Read MoreThat inner voice...telling you that you can’t do something or that you should be doing something. Telling you how badly you messed up or telling you what an idiot you are. We all have one. We all have a voice telling us what we should have done differently, wondering and questioning how …
Read MoreWe were recently invited to participate at the United State of Women Summit, partnering with equallet and Amazon who sponsored our prize draw. We were there to conduct some live data analytics to explore the various challenges, mindsets, and behavioral blockers that were most …
Read MoreThere is always so much to do. In life and at work, the demands and responsibilities seem to be never ending. For years in corporate it was so easy for me to get consumed by what “needed” to be done, those fires to put out, the 50th iteration of a deck, the meeting to plan for …
Read MoreThink about this situation... you created a presentation for a meeting. During the meeting some of the other people question you in what seems like an attacking way. After the meeting you think about, what could you have said? What should you have presented? Maybe you do not know the subject as much as you …
Read MoreWe have been working with many organizations and individuals on growing their behaviors and mindset to enable them to better take lead of their lives. As such, we have been privy to many conversations about the challenges faced by leaders, managers, and individual employees alike when it comes to …
Read MoreRecently I was honored to be a part of a panel during the inspirational Allison Kluger’s workshop on Executive Presence for Women at Stanford - where she covers topics such as how people carry themselves, present themselves, communicate with others, and project competence and calm. I was joined by
Read MoreThe word mindful--or mindfulness --has exploded in recent years, for many reasons and most importantly for many benefits - even though the concepts and practice has been around for ages. That seems to be the trend with many industry crazes, a concept that has been around for some time, which when applied in the right way can be incredibly valuable, arises, gains popularity, and ...
Read MoreWe often joke in the office that the word “busy” would appear to need a new definition as it seems to have become the standard response to the question: “How are you?”
Think about it, when you are asked ‘how you are,’ or you ask someone ‘how’s it going?’ What are the most common responses? We asked around and got a plethora of “things are just so busy at the moment,” “I’m good, you know the usual, busy,” “Same old here,” for which ...
Read MoreChanging behaviors is no easy feat. It takes a lot of effort, time, and patience. While we work on driving behavioral changes in individuals and teams on a daily basis, I personally have experienced three things that have helped me when I myself am working on engaging new behaviors and making them ...
Read MoreLife seems to be becoming increasingly overwhelming and stressful. It is clear that if we do not start working on behaviors and strategies to cope with these challenges, the levels of disengagement, depression, and stress will continue to reach new highs. In fact, a national survey of 614 HR leaders, including CHRO’s, VP’s, Directors and Managers, found that 95% of participants admit that ...
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