Making Sense of Existing Data
Often organizations have spent much time and money to gather insights. From surveys, to focus groups, and more, there is often an overwhelming amount of data, from which meaningful actions can be hard to determine, leading to reactive guesses that give way to little sustained change. Here is one case in which we helped determine the right actions from existing data.
A Fortune 1000 Medical Technology company wanted to improve their workplace culture. They had determined the values they wanted to stand up to, and had completed a company wide, global, Employee Engagement survey to investigate their current state against these values.
6 months on, they had not determined the right actions to take, nor had they seen the desired ROI. Task forces had been set into motion to make sense of the survey results.
The problem was that while engagement surveys can highlight trends, they do not necessarily indicate the actions that are needed - leading to the need for further insight gathering through focus groups and follow ups - adding to the timeline. Additionally, task forces are often composed of employees that already have full time responsibilities, for which making sense of the data is a burden taking them away from their core function.
We were commissioned by our partners to deliver an analysis and recommendations of what could improve their culture.
We used our High Performance Culture Model to analyze their existing data. We were provided their engagement survey results, as well as 2000+ raw comments from global locations. Using our proprietary tools, an Analyst evaluated the data looking at the relationships against our model to determine what was blocking their goal of an engaged and productive workforce. We provided a report, executive overview, and a debrief to walk through recommendations.
Within 10 business days, a full report was delivered and a debrief was conducted, which:
Detailed a clear action plan for driving a positive sustained impact on their culture.
Uncovered the root cause for the scores from their survey through a relationship analysis.
Demonstrated how the maturity of core attributes for high performance cultures were impacting their values being realized.
Indicated priority based on employee top of mind.
Provided content and context for increased understanding, and support for stakeholder business cases.
This is amazing. We have had this for months and not had the time or ability to really understand what actions would make sense and see true results. You have managed to extract sense and actions from the investments we had already made.
— Delivery Leader
From "not actionable and overwhelmed", to "actionable with clarity" within 10 days...
Input: 100's of rows of unstructured data, provided in Excel format.