Evaluating Money Beliefs
A belief is merely a thought you have over and over again. The Money Belief Model is a focused reflection of your money thoughts, showing you which perceptions are empowering and disempowering you.
Obviously money is a complex subject. This model is meant as quick exploration of your Money Beliefs as well as your opportunities for growth.
The evaluation does not measure your spending type or money knowledge. It looks at how your relationship with money may be impacting your life and your ability to achieve what you want. It draws out your behavioral and thought patterns then maps them against attributes of people with empowering money beliefs.
What We Evaluate
We look at several factors to see where you may show indicators or tendencies. This evaluation and model aims to encourage reflection and equip you with awareness and understanding, so that you can make better decisions moving forward.
Being grateful for what one currently has.
Not correlating the amount of money one has, to how happy they are.
Not harboring negative connotations towards rich people.
Not seeing money as a symbol of success.
Understanding that money is not the same as wealth.
Being comfortable to talk about money.
Making conscious choices.
Not living beyond ones means, whilst maintaining a logical attitude to debt.
Not rationalizing poor financial planning and taking accountability in ones role in preparing for the future.
Internally feeling like you deserve to spend money.
Not being stressed by money.
Seeing money as a tool to enrich ones live with positive experiences.
Additionally, we look for indicators that may demonstrate a certain mindset, or emotional base.
We look for indication of a scarcity or abundance mindset, which looks at whether you tend to focus on the lack of money over the abundance you have in other ways that may be more meaningful in terms of life.
We look for indication that you may associate a certain emotion with money. Many people have a certain emotional base, such as guilt, or correlating money to happiness. Sometimes, we have a healthy emotional base (we do not have a strong particular emotion connected to money), but still need to work on our emotional relationship with money to connect it to something that enhances and enriches life in various ways, rather than being the maker and enabler of life itself.
Example Reports
from EmpowHER LA: Crush $ Blocks + Raise Your Worth, 2017
Overview of mind-set and behaviors.
How you are performing across the 3 key areas of empowerment.
Analysis and insights to drive awareness of how these beliefs may be impacting your happiness and success.
Draws focus to the specific areas that are empowering you, and those that present your biggest opens for growth.
Enables meaningful conversations from an objective view of collective data.
Allows exploration of the data to stimulate conversations around challenges, root causes, and strategies to grow.