Elevating traditional methods, we specialize in data-driven profiles. These combine multiple techniques to provide a deep understanding of your segments, however you chose to segment your audience. Profiles can be used as cross functional input to offering design, communications and marketing, customer service, and customer success. We can also start with a data review, using your existing data sources (structured and unstructured) to make sense of the insights you already have.
Our process is simple and fast, typically delivering within just 10-30 days.
1: Gather Data
Identify any data sources you already have e.g. past surveys, comments, reviews etc.
Gather any data needed to fill the gaps.
2: Analyze
Using our techniques we rapidly analyze the data pulling out the key information in alignment to your goals.
3: Create assets
We will create the assets based on how you plan to use them, ranging from reports to posters, and more. We can also use your brand templates so everything is ready for you to share and use straight away!
The following are samples, truncated and redacted for client confidentiality.
Sample ONe: Financial Services
SAmple two: Technology
Sample Three: Legal Services
Sample four: Technology Services
Produced by effectUX LLC 2019, Copyright © effectUX 2019
This information is provided for information purposes only. It does not in any way constitute a legal contract between EffectUX and any person or entity, financial, personal, or business advice. EffectUX assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly for any action or inaction you take based on or made in reliance on the information provide within. EffectUX content may not be used for commercial use or amended without the explicit consent of an EffectUX authority.