Creating Data Driven Profiles to Drive a Culture of Experience
Our client needed to drive a more customer centric culture. There were inconsistent views about the users, and a perception gap between the delivery teams and the actual customer sentiment.
Using our data driven process we conducted interviews and interactive workshop sessions and combined the qualitative data with the quantitative to:
Create profiles that illustrated a consistent view to the customer as people, their needs, and their daily lives.
Identify the experience success factors to different audiences.
Indicate the moments of impact per audience.
Consistent customer view by service and delivery teams.
Roadmap prioritization of quick wins, and strategies for 3 year roadmap including: products and services, communication, brand and marketing, support and customer care
Better use of resources to maximize impact.
The team could not have done this
without you guys, we were so green in the
space, yet now we are seeing tangible
results – and it is all due to your approach.
You made it easy to see how everything
comes together. The speed in which you
made things happen is amazing.— Senior Director, Innovation
Data driven profiles and day-in-the life