Creating an MVP and Institutionalizing Experience Design


An Enterprise collaboration start-up needed to do a rapid product turn-around to increase the customer and user experience. 

While their solution was attempting to address a very clear problem, it was unable to scale to the market opportunity due to a poor implementation.  There was low product usability due to non-intuitive underlying user flow.



We found that:

  • Solution features did not align correctly to user or customer pain points.

  • There was no real process to take customer input and translate this into solution features that accurately addressed the customer needs.

  • There were no elemental experience metrics that were actionable.


Through an understanding of what drove a successful customer experience we:

  • Trained the UX team and cross-functional teams that were pivotal in enabling the experience to be delivered.

  • Defined and prioritized development to rapidly fix the user experience and provide business value using customer and end user studies that diagnosed where they fell short compared to the optimal experience.

  • Developed and implemented a cross functional UX design process to see customer data realized through design, development and deployment, with the necessary metrics.

  • Implemented a data-driven persona experience strategy.

The Experience Flow Optimization Methodology brought a transformation change in the product experience that was recognized by our lighthouse customers.

- Sanjay, CTO, Enterprise Collaboration Start-Up


  • Increased speed to delivery by 300% via strategic product design and agile development.

  • Transformed user experience to fit the Enterprise audience.

  • Mobile applications designed into the device lifecycle of the experience.

  • Usable and valuable product features, with the team able to roadmap them adequately in an agile manner.

Sarah Deane